
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Nick at Nite

My first post!  I thought I'd break ground with a few old memories that have compelled me to walk downtown to catch some art soon. 

My priorities circa 1995: Food, Friends and Sleepovers.  To elaborate, I mean TGIF, Nick at Nite, living room late night fort construction, “vegging out”, prank calling, knock and run, fla-vor-ice…  You know, the good things in life.

For the sake of this post, let’s focus on #2 from the short list, Nick at Nite.  After TGIF, this was our late night go to.  It was "cool" to watch these strange black and white shows and let’s face it, Nickelodeon was a daytime fav, so why not stick with a good thing at night too?

Whatever the age, there is a certain allure to black and white and the first color television shows to come out.  Either you lived though it and came to idealize the times or can’t imagine what it would have been like to have ONLY black and white, three tv channels and no internet...  Yes kids... No internet...

The Portrait Gallery snagged a few of these first pictures.  Check out the famed Harry Warnecke’s perspectives on the transition from black and white to color:

photos by

Read more on Harry here.


  1. For me it was Creature Feature but we were too afraid to watch it

  2. Scary is the best at sleepovers. IT was a favorite of ours. Jen (yes I am calling you out on this one!) hasn't ever been the same around clowns...
